General Writing Sample Task 1 #64

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are looking for a part-time job at a football club.

Write a letter to the manager of the football club. In your letter,

  • introduce yourself
  • explain what experience and special skills you have
  • tell him/her when you think you could start

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Test Tip

Remember in the IELTS Writing Task 1 (General Training) you are assessed on:

- Task Achievement (how well you answer the question)
- Coherence and Cohesion (the layout, and ordering and linking of ideas in your letter)
- Lexical Resource (use of appropriate vocabulary)
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy (the accuracy and range of the grammar you use)

Model answer

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a 21-year-old student and I am studying Sports Coaching Science at St Mary's University. I have been studying there for the past three years. I am writing to ask if there are any part-time job vacancies at your football club.

I really enjoy sport, and my areas of particular interest and experience are Football, Rugby and Cricket. I have had some experience of coaching for these sports over the past three years that I have been at the University. Last year, I worked in the holidays at a football club in my own country. I will be able to provide references from this summer job and also from my teachers at the university.

I would prefer to work in the evenings and at the weekends, as I have classes during the daytime, and I can start from the beginning of November.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Lawerence

(160 words)

Dear readers,

This is to inform you that we have moved to a new domain,

Our old domain, will remain active till the time we migrate all our content to the new domain.

We look forward to your continuing support.